var AvrilThemeJs; (function( $, avrilConfig ) { 'use strict'; AvrilThemeJs = { eventID: 'AvrilThemeJs', $document: $( document ), $window: $( window ), $body: $( 'body' ), classes: { toggled: 'toggled', isOverlay: 'overlay-enabled', headerMenuActive: 'header-menu-active', headerSearchActive: 'header-search-active' }, init: function() { // Document ready event check this.$document.on( 'ready', this.documentReadyRender.bind( this ) ); this.$document.on( 'ready', this.processAutoheight.bind( this ) ); // this.$document.on( 'ready', this.mobileMenuClone.bind( this ) ); this.$window.on( 'ready', this.documentReadyRender.bind( this ) ); }, documentReadyRender: function() { // Document Events this.$document .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, '.menu-toggle', this.menuToggleHandler.bind( this ) ) .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, '.header-close-menu', this.menuToggleHandler.bind( this ) ) .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, this.hideHeaderMobilePopup.bind( this ) ) .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, '.mobile-toggler', this.verticalMobileSubMenuLinkHandle.bind( this ) ) .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, '.header-close-menu', this.resetVerticalMobileMenu.bind( this ) ) .on( 'hideHeaderMobilePopup.' + this.eventID, this.resetVerticalMobileMenu.bind( this ) ) .on( 'resize.' + this.eventID, this.processAutoheight.bind( this ) ) .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, '.header-search-toggle', this.searchToggleHandler.bind( this ) ) .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, '.header-search-close', this.searchToggleHandler.bind( this ) ) .on( 'click.' + this.eventID, '.scrollup', this.scrollUpClick.bind( this ) ); // Window Events this.$window .on('scroll.' + this.eventID, this.scrollToSticky.bind( this ) ) .on('scroll.' + this.eventID, this.scrollUp.bind( this ) ) // .on('load.' + this.eventID, this.mobileMenuRight.bind( this ) ) .on( 'load.' + this.eventID, this.menuFocusAccessibility.bind( this ) ) .on( 'load.' + this.eventID, this.customQuery.bind( this ) ) // .on( 'load.' + this.customID, this.aboveHeaderMobile.bind( this ) ) .on( 'resize.' + this.eventID, this.processAutoheight.bind( this ) ); }, // Scroll UP scrollUp: function( event ) { var self = this, $scrollup = $( '.scrollup' ); if (self.$window.scrollTop() > 100) { $scrollup.addClass('is-active'); } else { $scrollup.removeClass('is-active'); } }, scrollUpClick: function( event ) { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 600); return false; }, // Sticky Header scrollToSticky: function( event ) { var self = this, $stickyNav = $( '.sticky-nav' ); if (self.$window.scrollTop() >= 220) { $stickyNav.addClass('sticky-menu'); } else { $stickyNav.removeClass('sticky-menu'); } }, // Auto Height Manage On Header processAutoheight: function( event ) { var self = this; var $naviWrap = $( '.navigator-wrapper' ); var $naviWrapAll = $( '.navigator-wrapper > .theme-mobile-nav' ); var $naviWrapAllDesk = $( '.navigator-wrapper > .nav-area *:not(.logo):not(.search-button *):not(.cart-wrapper *):not(.dropdown-menu)' ); var maxHeight = 0; // This will check first level children ONLY as intended. if ($('body').find('div').hasClass("sticky-nav")) { if ($('div.theme-mobile-nav').css('display') == 'block') { $naviWrapAll.each(function(){ var height = $(this).outerHeight(true); // outerHeight will add padding and margin to height total if (height > maxHeight ) { maxHeight = height; } }); $naviWrap.css('min-height', maxHeight); } else { $naviWrapAllDesk.each(function(){ var height = $(this).outerHeight(true); // outerHeight will add padding and margin to height total if (height > maxHeight ) { maxHeight = height; } }); $naviWrap.css('min-height', maxHeight); } } }, // Mobile Menu Clone // mobileMenuRight: function( event ) { // $(".header-wrap-right").clone().appendTo(".mobile-menu-right"); // }, // Mobile Menu Clone // mobileMenuClone: function( event ) { // $(".menubar .menu-wrap").clone().appendTo(".mobile-menu"); // }, // Above Header Accessibility aboveHeaderAccessibility: function() { var links, i, len, aboveItem = document.querySelector( '.mobi-head-top' ), aboveToggle = document.querySelector( '.header-above-toggle' ); let focusableElements = 'button, [href], input, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])'; let firstFocusableElement = aboveToggle; // get first element to be focused inside aboveItem let focusableContent = aboveItem.querySelectorAll(focusableElements); let lastFocusableElement = focusableContent[focusableContent.length - 1]; // get last element to be focused inside menu if ( ! aboveItem ) { return false; } links = aboveItem.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); // Each time a aboveItem link is focused or blurred, toggle focus. for ( i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++ ) { links[i].addEventListener( 'focus', toggleFocus, true ); links[i].addEventListener( 'blur', toggleFocus, true ); } // Sets or removes the .focus class on an element. function toggleFocus() { var self = this; // Move up through the ancestors of the current link until we hit .mobi-head-top. while (-1 === self.className.indexOf( 'mobi-head-top' ) ) { // On li elements toggle the class .focus. if ( 'li' === self.tagName.toLowerCase() ) { if ( -1 !== self.className.indexOf( 'focus' ) ) { self.className = self.className.replace( ' focus', '' ); } else { self.className += ' focus'; } } self = self.parentElement; } } // Trap focus inside modal to make it ADA compliant document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { let isTabPressed = e.key === 'Tab' || e.keyCode === 9; if ( ! isTabPressed ) { return; } if ( e.shiftKey ) { // if shift key pressed for shift + tab combination if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableElement) { lastFocusableElement.focus(); // add focus for the last focusable element e.preventDefault(); } } else { // if tab key is pressed if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableElement) { // if focused has reached to last focusable element then focus first focusable element after pressing tab firstFocusableElement.focus(); // add focus for the first focusable element e.preventDefault(); } } }); }, // Header Above Mobile aboveHeaderMobile: function() { // Header Widget // var self = this, // $mob_h_top = $(".mobi-head-top"), // $headerWidget = $(".header-widget"), // $collapsed = $( '.header-above-toggle' ); // if( !$headerWidget.children().length > 0 ) { // $headerWidget.hide(); // $collapsed.hide(); // } else { // $; // $headerWidget.clone().appendTo(".mobi-head-top"); // $collapsed.on('click', function(e) { // $mob_h_top.toggleClass("active"); // $collapsed.toggleClass("active"); // e.preventDefault(); // }); // } // self.aboveHeaderAccessibility(); }, // Add/Remove focus classess for accessibility menuFocusAccessibility: function( event ) { $('.menubar, .widget_nav_menu').find('a').on('focus blur', function() { $( this ).parents('ul, li').toggleClass('focus'); }); }, // Mobile Menu Toggle Handler menuToggleHandler: function( event ) { var self = this, $toggle = $( '.menu-toggle' ); self.$body.toggleClass( self.classes.headerMenuActive ); self.$body.toggleClass( self.classes.isOverlay ); $toggle.toggleClass( self.classes.toggled ); if ( self.$body.hasClass( self.classes.headerMenuActive ) ) { $( '.header-close-menu' ).focus(); } else { $toggle.focus(); } self.menuAccessibility(); }, // Mobile Menu Popup Hide hideHeaderMobilePopup: function( event ) { var self = this, $toggle = $( '.menu-toggle' ), $mobileMenuBar = $( '.mobile-menu' ); if ( $( ).closest( $toggle ).length || $( ).closest( $mobileMenuBar ).length ) { return; } if ( ! self.$body.hasClass( self.classes.headerMenuActive ) ) { return; } self.$body.removeClass( self.classes.headerMenuActive ); self.$body.removeClass( self.classes.isOverlay ); $toggle.removeClass( self.classes.toggled ); self.$document.trigger( 'hideHeaderMobilePopup.' + self.eventID ); event.stopPropagation(); }, // Mobile Sub Menu Link Handler verticalMobileSubMenuLinkHandle: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var self = this, $target = $( event.currentTarget ), $menu = $target.closest( '.mobile-menu .menu-wrap' ), deep = $target.parents( '.dropdown-menu' ).length, direction = self.isRTL ? 1 : -1, translate = direction * deep * 100; //$menu.css( 'transform', 'translateX(' + translate + '%)' ); setTimeout( function() { $target.parent().toggleClass("current"); $; }, 250 ); }, // Reset Mobile Menu Popup resetVerticalMobileMenu: function( event ) { var self = this, $menu = $( '.mobile-menu .menu-wrap' ), $menuItems = $( '.mobile-menu .menu-item' ), $deep = $( '.mobile-menu .dropdown-menu'); setTimeout( function() { $menuItems.removeClass("current"); $deep.hide(); }, 250 ); }, // Active focus on menu popup menuAccessibility: function() { var links, i, len, menu = document.querySelector( '.mobile-menu' ), iconToggle = document.querySelector( '.header-close-menu' ); let focusableElements = 'button, [href], input, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])'; let firstFocusableElement = iconToggle; // get first element to be focused inside menu let focusableContent = menu.querySelectorAll(focusableElements); let lastFocusableElement = focusableContent[focusableContent.length - 1]; // get last element to be focused inside menu if ( ! menu ) { return false; } links = menu.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); // Each time a menu link is focused or blurred, toggle focus. for ( i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++ ) { links[i].addEventListener( 'focus', toggleFocus, true ); links[i].addEventListener( 'blur', toggleFocus, true ); } // Sets or removes the .focus class on an element. function toggleFocus() { var self = this; // Move up through the ancestors of the current link until we hit .mobile-menu. while (-1 === self.className.indexOf( 'mobile-menu' ) ) { // On li elements toggle the class .focus. if ( 'li' === self.tagName.toLowerCase() ) { if ( -1 !== self.className.indexOf( 'focus' ) ) { self.className = self.className.replace( ' focus', '' ); } else { self.className += ' focus'; } } self = self.parentElement; } } // Trap focus inside modal to make it ADA compliant document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { let isTabPressed = e.key === 'Tab' || e.keyCode === 9; if ( ! isTabPressed ) { return; } if ( e.shiftKey ) { // if shift key pressed for shift + tab combination if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableElement) { lastFocusableElement.focus(); // add focus for the last focusable element e.preventDefault(); } } else { // if tab key is pressed if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableElement) { // if focused has reached to last focusable element then focus first focusable element after pressing tab firstFocusableElement.focus(); // add focus for the first focusable element e.preventDefault(); } } }); }, // Search Box Toggle Handler searchToggleHandler: function( event ) { var self = this, $toggle = $( '.header-search-toggle' ), $field = $( '.header-search-field' ); self.$body.toggleClass( self.classes.headerSearchActive ); self.$body.toggleClass( self.classes.isOverlay ); if ( self.$body.hasClass( self.classes.headerSearchActive ) ) { $field.focus(); } else { $toggle.focus(); } self.searchPopupAccessibility(); }, // Active focus on search popup searchPopupAccessibility: function() { var links, i, len, searchItem = document.querySelector( '.header-search-popup' ), fieldToggle = document.querySelector( '.header-search-field' ); let focusableElements = 'button, [href], input, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])'; let firstFocusableElement = fieldToggle; let focusableContent = searchItem.querySelectorAll(focusableElements); let lastFocusableElement = focusableContent[focusableContent.length - 1]; if ( ! searchItem ) { return false; } links = searchItem.getElementsByTagName( 'button' ); for ( i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++ ) { links[i].addEventListener( 'focus', toggleFocus, true ); links[i].addEventListener( 'blur', toggleFocus, true ); } function toggleFocus() { var self = this; while (-1 === self.className.indexOf( 'header-search-popup' ) ) { if ( 'input' === self.tagName.toLowerCase() ) { if ( -1 !== self.className.indexOf( 'focus' ) ) { self.className = self.className.replace( 'focus', '' ); } else { self.className += ' focus'; } } self = self.parentElement; } } document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { let isTabPressed = e.key === 'Tab' || e.keyCode === 9; if ( ! isTabPressed ) { return; } if ( e.shiftKey ) { if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableElement) { lastFocusableElement.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } } else { if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableElement) { firstFocusableElement.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } } }); }, // Custom Carousel customQuery: function() { // Service Hover Indicator if ($(".service-section-hover").length > 0) { $(".service-section-hover").each(function () { if ($(window).width() < 991) { return; } $(this) .find(".service-row") .append('
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' + button.textContent.trim().split('').join('') + '
'); } }; AvrilThemeJs.init(); }( jQuery, window.avrilConfig )); jQuery(function($){ // Mobile Menu Clone $(".header-wrap-right").clone().appendTo(".mobile-menu-right"); // Mobile Menu Clone $(".menubar .menu-wrap").clone().appendTo(".mobile-menu"); // Header Widget var self = this, $mob_h_top = $(".mobi-head-top"), $headerWidget = $(".header-widget"), $collapsed = $( '.header-above-toggle' ); if( !$headerWidget.children().length > 0 ) { $headerWidget.hide(); $collapsed.hide(); } else { $; $headerWidget.clone().appendTo(".mobi-head-top"); $collapsed.on('click', function(e) { $mob_h_top.toggleClass("active"); $collapsed.toggleClass("active"); e.preventDefault(); }); } });